[유아 추천 책] 엠마 시리즈 (나는 책 읽는 것을 좋아해) 1단계/비룡소)

이번에 읽은 비룡소, 저는 책 읽는 것을 좋아해서 1단계 엠마 시리즈입니다. 작가는 수지 모건스턴. —————————- 비룡소의 ‘나는 책 읽는 것이 좋아’는 1단계~3단계까지 독서 수준에 맞춰 단계별로 나와 있는 동화입니다. 주로 1단계는 7세~1학년이, 2단계는 1~2학년이, 3단계는 2~3학년이 읽게 됩니다. https://blog.naver.com/relish830/222092215638 이번에 읽은 비룡소, 저는 책 읽는 것을 좋아해서 1단계 엠마 시리즈입니다. 작가는 수지 모건스턴. —————————- 비룡소의 ‘나는 책 읽는 것이 좋아’는 1단계~3단계까지 독서 수준에 맞춰 단계별로 나와 있는 동화입니다. 주로 1단계는 7세~1학년이, 2단계는 1~2학년이, 3단계는 2~3학년이 읽게 됩니다. https://blog.naver.com/relish830/222092215638

[초등학교 저학년 추천도서] 다락방 명탐정 1, 2, 3 옛날 비룡소에서 나온 <나는 책 읽는 것을 좋아해서 2단계>를 일부 구입했습니다. 추천도서나 필독도서가… blog.naver.com [초등학교 저학년 추천도서] 다락방 명탐정 1, 2, 3 옛날 비룡소에서 나온 <나는 책 읽는 것을 좋아해서 2단계>를 일부 구입했습니다. 추천도서나 필독도서가…blog.naver.com

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[Recommended books for the lower grades of elementary school] We introduce three books <Mangbok Rice Cake Shop Series> that contain the stories of children in the lower grades of elementary school. A mysterious rice cake shop… blog.naver.com [Books recommended for lower grades of elementary school] We introduce three books <Mangbok Rice Cake Shop Series> that contain the stories of children in the lower grades of elementary school. A mysterious rice cake shop…blog.naver.com

—————————————- Most of the first level books are easy for a seven-year-old child to read. The first stage of books is very good when you move from picture books to books with sentences. Among them, the Emma series looks just like my youngest daughter aged 7…Emma is definitely a 6-7 year-old child who can’t be seen around my house. Emma takes her mom and dad to school with fear and excitement before going to school. How cute is the Emma-style diary written in the diary that I received as a gift or felt the excited heart of the child looking around my father’s company? a book that captures a child’s heart in a variety of situations. It’s a good book to read with a 7-year-old child! —————————————- Most of the first level books are easy for a seven-year-old child to read. The first stage of books is very good when you move from picture books to books with sentences. Among them, the Emma series looks just like my youngest daughter aged 7…Emma is definitely a 6-7 year-old child who can’t be seen around my house. Emma takes her mom and dad to school with fear and excitement before going to school. How cute is the Emma-style diary written in the diary that I received as a gift or felt the excited heart of the child looking around my father’s company? a book that captures a child’s heart in a variety of situations. It’s a good book to read with a 7-year-old child!

Emma Series Emma Series

Let’s heal together with children’s books! Let’s heal together with children’s books!


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