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Hello, this is Project K. This video shows a lane-recognition self-driving car using Arduino. https://youtu.be/Dzjy0gK9JRs?t=7s Hello, this is Project K. This video shows a lane-recognition self-driving car using Arduino. https://youtu.be/Dzjy0gK9JRs?t=7s
A camera is installed in the Aduino car to recognize the lane and drive along the lane. A camera is installed in the Aduino car to recognize the lane and drive along the lane.
The vehicle uses an ESP32 CAM and an ESP32 CAM for camera shooting, and the PC uses Wi-Fi to transmit the captured video to the PC, and the PC uses OPENCV to detect the lane of the received video and send a moving order to the vehicle. The vehicle uses an ESP32 CAM and an ESP32 CAM for camera shooting, and the PC uses Wi-Fi to transmit the captured video to the PC, and the PC uses OPENCV to detect the lane of the received video and send a moving order to the vehicle.
At first, I installed a camera on the front of the car. I used ESP32 CAM to shoot images, and I used a 160-degree wide-angle camera. https://youtu.be/Dzjy0gK9JRs?t=89s At first, I installed a camera on the front of the car. I used ESP32 CAM to shoot images, and I used a 160-degree wide-angle camera. https://youtu.be/Dzjy0gK9JRs?t=89s
When installing a camera on the front, it is difficult to recognize both lanes at once due to the close proximity of the video lane and narrow vision, which often caused the vehicle to move zigzag as only one lane was detected. When installing a camera on the front, it is difficult to recognize both lanes at once due to the close proximity of the video lane and narrow vision, which often caused the vehicle to move zigzag as only one lane was detected.
The camera position was moved to the top of the vehicle to resolve the narrow view of the front camera. The camera position was moved to the top of the vehicle to resolve the narrow view of the front camera.
The distance between the lane and the camera has become longer, and the view of lane recognition has become wider, enabling smoother driving. The distance between the https://youtu.be/Dzjy0gK9JRs?t=151s lane and the camera has increased, and the view of lane recognition has increased, allowing for smoother driving. https://youtu.be/Dzjy0gK9JRs?t=151s